

一度は、テーマをsafariライクな「GrApple(Eos Pro)」にしましたが、併用するには似すぎていてどちらがどちらかわからなくなるので、結局firefox2.0のデフォルトテーマに戻しました。小さいアイコンを使用すると結構かわいい感じに。


 SpotMilk 1.7.1 (水色のアクア系、微妙にあか抜けない)
 Admin ‘Autumn’ Theme (with Drop Down Menus)  (金茶+ドロップダウン)
 wp-admin-tiger (左メニュー+tiger風。おそらく一番有名な管理画面テーマ)
 EarthTones Admin Theme (デフォルトをアースカラーにしただけ)


そんなわけで、現在のwordpress on firefox2.0はこんな感じに。



2 Responses to “firefox2.0+wordpress”

  • Hey, thanks for downloading my earthtones theme! I hope you enjoy it. Since I unfortunately don’t speak Japanese, I was unable to read your full review. If I may, was it good or bad? Either way, thanks again for checking earthtones out and taking the time to comment on it.

    Holstein Grove

  • What a surprise! Welocome to my blog in the east end of the world, John.

    Actually, I used SpotMilk with Safari for a month or two and was ok then, but when I switched the web browzer from Safari to firefox2.0 a few days ago, fonts in Dashboard went awful and I coundn’t fix them up, so again I had to look for an administration theme plugin.

    I tried four of them, SpotMilk, Admin ‘Autumn’ Theme, wp-admin-tiger and your EarthTones. One didn’t work beautifully in my environment*, another wasn’t my taste. After all, I chose yours which is simple, warm and relaxing.

    Although ajax part of “Write” is a bit hard to read, as somehow white fonts are used on white background, the plugin is working quite well, so far.

    Thanks a lot, John!

    * mac os10.2.9 + firefox2.0 + wordpressME2.04 + some plugins

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